
"Cowboy hats seem to come in all kinds of shapes and variations but the most common version is the one with bent-up sides, it looks like. (Old timey versions are more flat, sometimes the top part as well.)
So I looked at some stuff and came to the conclusion that the easiest way to get a quick ref is to just cut out a paper circle and scrunch it between your fingers like some little taco. This way you can decide how bent you want it and what angle to view it from.
Make sure you always pay attention to where the hat sits on your character’s head! I usually start with that first ellipse around the forehead because from there on you know the angle/tilt of the hat.
And don’t forget to look at a shit-ton of photo references!!
I don’t have the time to make a pretty tutorial and tbh I’m still learning to draw cowboy hats myself but I hope this is at least a bit useful! :)"

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