EMMECIDUE - L'Olio Biologico Cuonzo — World Packaging Design Society / 世界包裝設計社會 / Sociedad Mundial de Diseño de Empaques

"Contemporary stylistic code and modern and elegant appeal for the packaging project of Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil of Azienda Agricola Cuonzo.
The goal of the project is to combine a strong boost to innovation with a long tradition of craftsmanship, quality and links with the territory."

"Company logo is the keystone of the design concept, it has been broken down, deconstructed and rearticulated for becoming distinctive and memorable graphic motif of the new brand image.
The used colors tell about Puglia, a Mediterranean place, made of blinding white, yellow, green and blue (the cathedrals and the dry stone walls, the sun and the wheat fields, the olive groves and the vineyards, the sea).
The selected bottle has a soft, enveloping and reassuring shape that balances a strong instance of modernity and uniqueness."


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