This origami lucky star is easy and fun to make.

Cut a strip of paper that is of the ratio 1:13 (for example, 1" wide and 13" long). If you use standard USA 8½ x 11 paper, you can cut off a ½" strip along the 11" side of the paper and that works fine. You can buy a little kit which has enough paper in it to make 100 stars; or buy pre-cut strips of paper.
Start at one end of the strip of paper. Wrap the paper around to form a loop.
Pass the short-end of the paper into the loop to form a standard over-hand knot.
Shuffle and scooch the paper along so the knot is at the far end of the paper. Press the knot down to make it flat. Be sure that the paper is pulled tight so there are no holes and gaps at the corners where the paper meets.

Fold the short-end of the paper towards the center of the knot. If it is too long, tear off a bit of the paper off so it does not protrude beyond the pentagon shape.

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